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ArtSafeNet: Online Copyright Protection

Price: $350.00

Anything public domain, fair use of another work, or from other source included in the work.

This service is provided in partnership with DHF, The Law Office of David H. Faux, P.C., FinerWorks will facilitate the registration of your work with the US Copyright Office. If for some reason your artwork is rejected, you will be subject to a full refund by FinerWorks.

Your payment is one-time and covers all official registration and attorney fees. Once your artwork is registered, you will receive a registration number by mail making your artwork officially protected.

The Copyright Protection Package provides drafting and submitting copyright applications to the U.S. Copyright Office according to best practices and market standards. According to government sources, 87% of all applications result in registration. No lawyer or law firm can guarantee successful registration; the government reviews each application on a case-by-case basis.

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