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Geo Galleries is offered exclusively to FinerWorks users. Sign in or register to join Geo Galleries.

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Why Artists Are Signing Up

  • You control the images by uploading what you want to sell as giclee fine art paper prints, canvases and more.
  • Average 66% in royalties on print sales
  • 10% residual earnings on any framing products and services.
  • Geo Galleries uses FinerWorks for order fulfillment.
  • Receive monthy / weekly payouts.
  • You get your own Geo Galleries URL (example: geogalleries.com/username<)
  • Access to names, addresses and email contacts of your buyers to build your own collectors’ database.
  • SEO options and social promotion.
  • Provided customer service.
  • You do not give up any rights to your art.
  • No exclusivity agreement, so you are free to sell via other channels and with other galleries.

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