Shopify Dropshipping & Order Fulfillment App for Printing | FinerWorks

Photo and Art Printing with Shopify

Automatically send your orders to FinerWorks for printing and order fulfillment with just a click of a button. The app provides all the “what” and “where” needed in order for us to fulfill the order.


  • Import orders for fulfillment manually or automatic
    Can be turned on or off in your App Preferences screen.
  • Sync products from your virtual inventory
    This is optional but provides a more seamless workflow when importing orders (beta).
  • When order is completed, updates orders as fulfilled and sends tracking to customer
    This is optional only if you want automatic fulfillment status update and to send tracking, Shopify requires you to assign products to FinerWorks as it's fulfillment service for this feature to work.

Order Fullfillment App

You must be logged into your FinerWorks Account to use this app.

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Full Setup Documentation
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